Our Kiwis



Its pulp is generally green, sweet and tart. Surrounded by a brown, fluffy (hairy) skin, contains a hundred tiny black edible seeds. Kiwifruit is a source of vitamin C, but also of vitamin A and E, calcium, iron and folic acid.
We have different varieties.
Gold is juicier, sweeter and less acidic than Green Kiwi.
The red kiwi with red flesh. It is very tasty and sweet. Her skin is smooth and red.
The green light kiwifruit is the kiwi we are used to seeing. Its skin is fluffy and brown, its flesh is green, its taste is fruity, slightly sweet and just tangy.
The hayward kiwifruit is the most cultivated variety in France.

Calendar of our varieties


Carte des Origines de nos Kiwis. Ils peuvent venir de France, d'Italie, du Chili ou encore de Grèce.