Nos Tomates EN
Our Tomatoes Tomato The size ranges from a few grams (red currant tomato) to almost 2 kg;The shape is generally spherical, more or less flattened, more or less ribbed, but there are some in the shape of a…
Our Tomatoes Tomato The size ranges from a few grams (red currant tomato) to almost 2 kg;The shape is generally spherical, more or less flattened, more or less ribbed, but there are some in the shape of a…
Our Radishes Radish Radish is grown in the ground and we can grow it all year round. As it grows, the radish develops a root that we eat. Its flesh is white. Its taste is slightly spicy.…
Our Potatoes Potato There is no such thing as a potato, but potatoes! 150 varieties are listed, adapted to the various methods of preparation. But there are mainly about twenty of them on the stalls, classified according to…
Our Peppers Pepper Peppers are small fruits, often sharp, with a more or less hot taste; the name “pepper” designates large sweet fruits. The term “sweet pepper” that we sometimes meet is reserved for small fruits, pointed and not…
Our Leeks Leeks The leek is a biennial herbaceous vegetable plant 20 to 90 cm high, cultivated for its leaves (pseudo-stems) eaten as vegetables.Its elongated, lanceolate, opposite, flat, dark green or yellowish green sheathing leaves are in the form…
Our Sweet Potatoes Yam Sweet potato is known for its sweet taste and orange color. It is consumed in all its forms. Despite its name it is not part of the potato family. It is a nutritious food, rich…
Our Zucchini Zucchini Dark green to pale green, very elongated, with firm, light flesh. Zucchini is an annual plant of the Cucurbitaceae family. Called “summer squash”, the zucchini is picked very young, cultivated for its fruit, and eaten…
Our Cucumbers Cucumber Cucumber is a real summer vegetable, with its water content of almost 96%. They are mostly found between the months of May and August. It is recognized by its oblong shape, with dark green bark,…
Our Cabbages Cabbage Cabbages, which belong to the large Bracicaceae family, are the essential autumn and winter vegetables, which historically come to us from Western Europe. Not only are there many kinds, some eaten raw, others cooked, but…
Our Mushrooms Mushroom With a woody and earthy flavor, mushrooms are not considered plants or animals. They grow in high humidity conditions. The mushroom is 80-90% water which gives it a very low caloric value. Rich in soluble…